Publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.
All Selected papers Optimization Image processing Machine learning
- JournalNF-ULA: Langevin Monte Carlo with normalizing flow prior for imaging inverse problemsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2024
- JournalOn the Convergence of Continuous and Discrete Unbalanced Optimal Transport Models for 1-Wasserstein DistanceSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2024
- JournalVision graph u-net: Geometric learning enhanced encoder for medical image segmentation and restorationInverse Problems and Imaging, 2024
- JournalThe prognostic value of splenic abnormalities in pretreatment 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with complete response diffuse large B-cell lymphomaClinical Radiology, 2023
- PreprintAutomatic recognition of white blood cell images with memory efficient superpixel metric GNN: SMGNN2023
- PreprintApproximate primal-dual fixed-point based langevin algorithms for non-smooth convex potentialsarXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04544, 2023
- JournalAn orthogonal matching pursuit optimization method for solving minimum-monitor-unit problems: applications to proton IMPT, ARC and FLASHMedical physics, 2023
- PreprintOn the convergence of continuous and discrete unbalanced optimal transport modelsarXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17267, 2023
- ConferenceAE-FLOW: Autoencoders with normalizing flows for medical images anomaly detectionInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
- JournalSea-net: Structure-enhanced attention network for limited-angle cbct reconstruction of clinical projection dataIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023
- JournalBinary quantized network training with sharpness-aware minimizationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2023
- ConferencePET-3DFlow: A Normalizing Flow Based Method for 3D PET Anomaly DetectionInternational Workshop on Computational Mathematics Modeling in Cancer Analysis, 2023
- PreprintSyMOT-Flow: Learning optimal transport flow for two arbitrary distributions with maximum mean discrepancyarXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13815, 2023
- JournalNomogram based on Clinical and Radiomics Data for Predicting Radiation-induced Temporal Lobe Injury in Patients with Non-metastatic Stage T4 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma2022
- PreprintA stochastic three-block splitting algorithm and its application to quantized deep neural networksarXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11065, 2022
- JournalLow-rank and framelet based sparsity decomposition for interventional MRI reconstructionIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
- Journal
- ConferenceMri reconstruction by completing under-sampled k-space data with learnable fourier interpolationInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(MICCAI), 2022
- JournalDeep Learning with Adaptive Hyper-parameters for Low-Dose CT Image ReconstructionIEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021
- JournalVariable metric extrapolation proximal iterative hard thresholding method for \ell_0 minimization problem.CoRR, 2021
- ConferenceLearnable multi-scale fourier interpolation for sparse view ct image reconstructionMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021
- JournalA stochastic variance reduced primal dual fixed point method for linearly constrained separable optimizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2021
- JournalA three-operator splitting algorithm for nonconvex sparsity regularizationSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021
- PreprintVariable metric extrapolation proximal iterative hard thresholding method for $\backslashell_0 $ minimization problemarXiv preprint arXiv:2108.03365, 2021
- JournalA parameterized douglas–rachford splitting algorithm for nonconvex optimizationApplied Mathematics and Computation, 2021
- Journal
- ConferenceTuning-free Plug-and-Play Proximal Algorithm for Inverse Imaging ProblemsIn International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
- Preprint
- JournalBayesian inference and uncertainty quantification for medical image reconstruction with Poisson dataSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2020
- JournalAn edge driven wavelet frame model for image restorationApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2020
- JournalComputer-aided diagnosis of gallbladder polyps based on high resolution ultrasonographyComputer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2020
- JournalStochastic primal dual fixed point method for composite optimizationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2020
- JournalNonlocal TV-Gaussian prior for Bayesian inverse problems with applications to limited CT reconstruction.Inverse Problems & Imaging, 2020
- JournalLow-dose CT with deep learning regularization via proximal forward–backward splittingPhysics in Medicine & Biology, 2020
- JournalAirNet: fused analytical and iterative reconstruction with deep neural network regularization for sparse-data CTMedical physics, 2020
- Journal
- ConferenceTrajectory of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and Adaptive AccelerationIn Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
- PreprintNLTG priors in medical image: Nonlocal TV-Gaussian (NLTG) prior for Bayesian inverse problems with applications to limited CT reconstructionarXiv preprint arXiv:1901.00262, 2019
- JournalA new proximal iterative hard thresholding method with extrapolation for l0 minimizationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2019
- JournalNoise suppression in image-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy CTIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019
- PreprintA greedy algorithm for sparse precision matrix approximationarXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00723, 2019
- JournalImage-domain multimaterial decomposition for dual-energy CT based on prior information of material imagesMedical physics, 2018
- JournalPET-MRI joint reconstruction by joint sparsity based tight frame regularizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2018
- PreprintStatistical image reconstruction using mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise model for X-ray CTarXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09533, 2018
- JournalPET-MRI joint reconstruction with common edge weighted total variation regularizationInverse Problems, 2018
- Conference
- JournalImage-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy CT via total nuclear norm and \ell_0 normMed Phys, 2018
- JournalCUSTOM: A calibration region recovery approach for highly subsampled dynamic parallel magnetic resonance imagingJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2017
- Journal
- PreprintImage-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy ct based on correlation and sparsity of material imagesarXiv preprint arXiv:1710.07028, 2017
- PreprintAn accelerated proximal iterative hard thresholding method for \ell_0 minimizationarXiv preprint arXiv:1709.01668, 2017
- Journal
- JournalPansharpening image fusion using cross-channel correlation: A framelet-based approachJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2016
- JournalMulti-scale features extraction from baseline structure MRI for MCI patient classification and AD early diagnosisNeurocomputing, 2016
- JournalA primal-dual fixed point algorithm for multi-block convex minimizationJournal of Computational Mathematics, 2016
- PreprintLimited tomography reconstruction via tight frame and sinogram extrapolationarXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07049, 2016
- JournalA two-stage low rank approach for calibrationless dynamic parallel magnetic resonance image reconstructionJournal of Scientific Computing, 2016
- Journal
- JournalA wavelet frame method with shape prior for ultrasound video segmentationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016
- JournalModeling Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise in Statistical Image Reconstruction for X-Ray CTArbor, 2016
- JournalTICMR: Total image constrained material reconstruction via nonlocal total variation regularization for spectral CTIEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2016
- Journal
- JournalOperator splitting methods in compressive sensing and sparse approximationSplitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering, 2016
- JournalA primal-dual fixed point algorithm for minimization of the sum of three convex separable functionsFixed Point Theory and Applications, 2016
- JournalA hybrid segmentation and d-bar method for electrical impedance tomographySIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016
- JournalDynamic SPECT reconstruction from few projections: a sparsity enforced matrix factorization approachInverse Problems, 2015
- JournalInterpolation and denoising of high-dimensional seismic data by learning a tight frameGeophysics, 2015
- JournalA reweighted l2 method for image restoration with Poisson and mixed Poisson-Gaussian noiseInverse Problems and Imaging, 2015
- JournalA note on the complexity of proximal iterative hard thresholding algorithmJournal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2015
- Journal5D respiratory motion model based image reconstruction algorithm for 4D cone-beam computed tomographyInverse Problems, 2015
- JournalDomain decomposition methods for nonlocal total variation image restorationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2014
- JournalNonlocal patch-based image inpainting through minimization of a sparsity promoting nonconvex functionalDept. Math., Univ. California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA, Tech. Rep, 2014
- JournalForward–backward splitting method for quantitative photoacoustic tomographyInverse problems, 2014
- JournalA primal–dual fixed point algorithm for convex separable minimization with applications to image restorationInverse Problems, 2013
- Journal
- JournalA primal-dual fixed point algorithm based on proximity operator for convex set constrained separable problemJ. Nanjing Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed, 2013
- JournalA Novel Sparsity Reconstruction Method from Poisson Data for 3D Bioluminescence TomographyJournal of Scientific Computing, 2012
- JournalA unified primal-dual algorithm framework based on Bregman iterationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2011
- JournalBregmanized nonlocal regularization for deconvolution and sparse reconstructionSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- JournalA General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging ScienceSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- Journal
- Journal
- JournalSource reconstruction for spectrally-resolved bioluminescence tomography with sparse a priori informationOptics express, 2009
- Conference
- Conference
- Journal
- JournalNF-ULA: Langevin Monte Carlo with normalizing flow prior for imaging inverse problemsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2024
- JournalOn the Convergence of Continuous and Discrete Unbalanced Optimal Transport Models for 1-Wasserstein DistanceSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2024
- ConferenceAE-FLOW: Autoencoders with normalizing flows for medical images anomaly detectionInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
- JournalLow-rank and framelet based sparsity decomposition for interventional MRI reconstructionIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
- Journal
- ConferenceMri reconstruction by completing under-sampled k-space data with learnable fourier interpolationInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(MICCAI), 2022
- JournalDeep Learning with Adaptive Hyper-parameters for Low-Dose CT Image ReconstructionIEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021
- ConferenceLearnable multi-scale fourier interpolation for sparse view ct image reconstructionMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021
- JournalA stochastic variance reduced primal dual fixed point method for linearly constrained separable optimizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2021
- JournalA three-operator splitting algorithm for nonconvex sparsity regularizationSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021
- ConferenceTuning-free Plug-and-Play Proximal Algorithm for Inverse Imaging ProblemsIn International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
- JournalBayesian inference and uncertainty quantification for medical image reconstruction with Poisson dataSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2020
- JournalAn edge driven wavelet frame model for image restorationApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2020
- ConferenceTrajectory of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and Adaptive AccelerationIn Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
- JournalNoise suppression in image-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy CTIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019
- JournalPET-MRI joint reconstruction by joint sparsity based tight frame regularizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2018
- JournalPET-MRI joint reconstruction with common edge weighted total variation regularizationInverse Problems, 2018
- Journal
- Journal
- JournalA wavelet frame method with shape prior for ultrasound video segmentationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016
- JournalTICMR: Total image constrained material reconstruction via nonlocal total variation regularization for spectral CTIEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2016
- Journal
- JournalOperator splitting methods in compressive sensing and sparse approximationSplitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering, 2016
- JournalA hybrid segmentation and d-bar method for electrical impedance tomographySIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016
- JournalDynamic SPECT reconstruction from few projections: a sparsity enforced matrix factorization approachInverse Problems, 2015
- Journal5D respiratory motion model based image reconstruction algorithm for 4D cone-beam computed tomographyInverse Problems, 2015
- JournalA primal–dual fixed point algorithm for convex separable minimization with applications to image restorationInverse Problems, 2013
- Journal
- JournalBregmanized nonlocal regularization for deconvolution and sparse reconstructionSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- JournalA General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging ScienceSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- PreprintApproximate primal-dual fixed-point based langevin algorithms for non-smooth convex potentialsarXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04544, 2023
- JournalAn orthogonal matching pursuit optimization method for solving minimum-monitor-unit problems: applications to proton IMPT, ARC and FLASHMedical physics, 2023
- PreprintOn the convergence of continuous and discrete unbalanced optimal transport modelsarXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17267, 2023
- PreprintA stochastic three-block splitting algorithm and its application to quantized deep neural networksarXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11065, 2022
- JournalVariable metric extrapolation proximal iterative hard thresholding method for \ell_0 minimization problem.CoRR, 2021
- JournalA stochastic variance reduced primal dual fixed point method for linearly constrained separable optimizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2021
- JournalA three-operator splitting algorithm for nonconvex sparsity regularizationSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021
- PreprintVariable metric extrapolation proximal iterative hard thresholding method for $\backslashell_0 $ minimization problemarXiv preprint arXiv:2108.03365, 2021
- JournalA parameterized douglas–rachford splitting algorithm for nonconvex optimizationApplied Mathematics and Computation, 2021
- JournalStochastic primal dual fixed point method for composite optimizationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2020
- ConferenceTrajectory of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and Adaptive AccelerationIn Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
- JournalA new proximal iterative hard thresholding method with extrapolation for l0 minimizationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2019
- PreprintA greedy algorithm for sparse precision matrix approximationarXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00723, 2019
- PreprintAn accelerated proximal iterative hard thresholding method for \ell_0 minimizationarXiv preprint arXiv:1709.01668, 2017
- JournalA primal-dual fixed point algorithm for multi-block convex minimizationJournal of Computational Mathematics, 2016
- JournalOperator splitting methods in compressive sensing and sparse approximationSplitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering, 2016
- JournalA primal-dual fixed point algorithm for minimization of the sum of three convex separable functionsFixed Point Theory and Applications, 2016
- JournalA note on the complexity of proximal iterative hard thresholding algorithmJournal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2015
- JournalA primal–dual fixed point algorithm for convex separable minimization with applications to image restorationInverse Problems, 2013
- JournalA primal-dual fixed point algorithm based on proximity operator for convex set constrained separable problemJ. Nanjing Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed, 2013
- JournalA unified primal-dual algorithm framework based on Bregman iterationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2011
- JournalBregmanized nonlocal regularization for deconvolution and sparse reconstructionSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- JournalA General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging ScienceSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- JournalNF-ULA: Langevin Monte Carlo with normalizing flow prior for imaging inverse problemsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2024
- JournalVision graph u-net: Geometric learning enhanced encoder for medical image segmentation and restorationInverse Problems and Imaging, 2024
- JournalThe prognostic value of splenic abnormalities in pretreatment 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with complete response diffuse large B-cell lymphomaClinical Radiology, 2023
- PreprintAutomatic recognition of white blood cell images with memory efficient superpixel metric GNN: SMGNN2023
- JournalAn orthogonal matching pursuit optimization method for solving minimum-monitor-unit problems: applications to proton IMPT, ARC and FLASHMedical physics, 2023
- ConferenceAE-FLOW: Autoencoders with normalizing flows for medical images anomaly detectionInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
- JournalSea-net: Structure-enhanced attention network for limited-angle cbct reconstruction of clinical projection dataIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023
- JournalNomogram based on Clinical and Radiomics Data for Predicting Radiation-induced Temporal Lobe Injury in Patients with Non-metastatic Stage T4 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma2022
- JournalLow-rank and framelet based sparsity decomposition for interventional MRI reconstructionIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
- Journal
- ConferenceMri reconstruction by completing under-sampled k-space data with learnable fourier interpolationInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(MICCAI), 2022
- JournalDeep Learning with Adaptive Hyper-parameters for Low-Dose CT Image ReconstructionIEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021
- ConferenceLearnable multi-scale fourier interpolation for sparse view ct image reconstructionMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021
- JournalA stochastic variance reduced primal dual fixed point method for linearly constrained separable optimizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2021
- Journal
- ConferenceTuning-free Plug-and-Play Proximal Algorithm for Inverse Imaging ProblemsIn International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
- JournalBayesian inference and uncertainty quantification for medical image reconstruction with Poisson dataSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2020
- JournalAn edge driven wavelet frame model for image restorationApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2020
- JournalComputer-aided diagnosis of gallbladder polyps based on high resolution ultrasonographyComputer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2020
- JournalNonlocal TV-Gaussian prior for Bayesian inverse problems with applications to limited CT reconstruction.Inverse Problems & Imaging, 2020
- JournalLow-dose CT with deep learning regularization via proximal forward–backward splittingPhysics in Medicine & Biology, 2020
- JournalAirNet: fused analytical and iterative reconstruction with deep neural network regularization for sparse-data CTMedical physics, 2020
- Journal
- ConferenceTrajectory of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and Adaptive AccelerationIn Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019
- PreprintNLTG priors in medical image: Nonlocal TV-Gaussian (NLTG) prior for Bayesian inverse problems with applications to limited CT reconstructionarXiv preprint arXiv:1901.00262, 2019
- JournalNoise suppression in image-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy CTIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019
- JournalImage-domain multimaterial decomposition for dual-energy CT based on prior information of material imagesMedical physics, 2018
- JournalPET-MRI joint reconstruction by joint sparsity based tight frame regularizationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2018
- PreprintStatistical image reconstruction using mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise model for X-ray CTarXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09533, 2018
- JournalPET-MRI joint reconstruction with common edge weighted total variation regularizationInverse Problems, 2018
- Conference
- JournalImage-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy CT via total nuclear norm and \ell_0 normMed Phys, 2018
- JournalCUSTOM: A calibration region recovery approach for highly subsampled dynamic parallel magnetic resonance imagingJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2017
- Journal
- PreprintImage-domain multi-material decomposition for dual-energy ct based on correlation and sparsity of material imagesarXiv preprint arXiv:1710.07028, 2017
- Journal
- JournalPansharpening image fusion using cross-channel correlation: A framelet-based approachJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2016
- JournalMulti-scale features extraction from baseline structure MRI for MCI patient classification and AD early diagnosisNeurocomputing, 2016
- PreprintLimited tomography reconstruction via tight frame and sinogram extrapolationarXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07049, 2016
- JournalA two-stage low rank approach for calibrationless dynamic parallel magnetic resonance image reconstructionJournal of Scientific Computing, 2016
- Journal
- JournalA wavelet frame method with shape prior for ultrasound video segmentationSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016
- JournalModeling Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise in Statistical Image Reconstruction for X-Ray CTArbor, 2016
- JournalTICMR: Total image constrained material reconstruction via nonlocal total variation regularization for spectral CTIEEE transactions on medical imaging, 2016
- Journal
- JournalOperator splitting methods in compressive sensing and sparse approximationSplitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering, 2016
- JournalA hybrid segmentation and d-bar method for electrical impedance tomographySIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016
- JournalDynamic SPECT reconstruction from few projections: a sparsity enforced matrix factorization approachInverse Problems, 2015
- JournalInterpolation and denoising of high-dimensional seismic data by learning a tight frameGeophysics, 2015
- JournalA reweighted l2 method for image restoration with Poisson and mixed Poisson-Gaussian noiseInverse Problems and Imaging, 2015
- Journal5D respiratory motion model based image reconstruction algorithm for 4D cone-beam computed tomographyInverse Problems, 2015
- JournalDomain decomposition methods for nonlocal total variation image restorationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2014
- JournalNonlocal patch-based image inpainting through minimization of a sparsity promoting nonconvex functionalDept. Math., Univ. California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA, Tech. Rep, 2014
- JournalForward–backward splitting method for quantitative photoacoustic tomographyInverse problems, 2014
- JournalA primal–dual fixed point algorithm for convex separable minimization with applications to image restorationInverse Problems, 2013
- Journal
- JournalA Novel Sparsity Reconstruction Method from Poisson Data for 3D Bioluminescence TomographyJournal of Scientific Computing, 2012
- JournalA unified primal-dual algorithm framework based on Bregman iterationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2011
- JournalBregmanized nonlocal regularization for deconvolution and sparse reconstructionSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- JournalA General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging ScienceSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2010
- Journal
- Journal
- JournalSource reconstruction for spectrally-resolved bioluminescence tomography with sparse a priori informationOptics express, 2009
- Conference
- Conference
- Journal
- JournalNF-ULA: Langevin Monte Carlo with normalizing flow prior for imaging inverse problemsSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2024
- JournalOn the Convergence of Continuous and Discrete Unbalanced Optimal Transport Models for 1-Wasserstein DistanceSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2024
- JournalVision graph u-net: Geometric learning enhanced encoder for medical image segmentation and restorationInverse Problems and Imaging, 2024
- JournalThe prognostic value of splenic abnormalities in pretreatment 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with complete response diffuse large B-cell lymphomaClinical Radiology, 2023
- PreprintAutomatic recognition of white blood cell images with memory efficient superpixel metric GNN: SMGNN2023
- PreprintApproximate primal-dual fixed-point based langevin algorithms for non-smooth convex potentialsarXiv preprint arXiv:2304.04544, 2023
- PreprintOn the convergence of continuous and discrete unbalanced optimal transport modelsarXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17267, 2023
- ConferenceAE-FLOW: Autoencoders with normalizing flows for medical images anomaly detectionInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
- JournalSea-net: Structure-enhanced attention network for limited-angle cbct reconstruction of clinical projection dataIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023
- JournalBinary quantized network training with sharpness-aware minimizationJournal of Scientific Computing, 2023
- ConferencePET-3DFlow: A Normalizing Flow Based Method for 3D PET Anomaly DetectionInternational Workshop on Computational Mathematics Modeling in Cancer Analysis, 2023
- PreprintSyMOT-Flow: Learning optimal transport flow for two arbitrary distributions with maximum mean discrepancyarXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13815, 2023
- JournalNomogram based on Clinical and Radiomics Data for Predicting Radiation-induced Temporal Lobe Injury in Patients with Non-metastatic Stage T4 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma2022
- PreprintA stochastic three-block splitting algorithm and its application to quantized deep neural networksarXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11065, 2022
- JournalDeep Learning with Adaptive Hyper-parameters for Low-Dose CT Image ReconstructionIEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021
- ConferenceLearnable multi-scale fourier interpolation for sparse view ct image reconstructionMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2021
- ConferenceTuning-free Plug-and-Play Proximal Algorithm for Inverse Imaging ProblemsIn International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
- Preprint
- JournalAirNet: fused analytical and iterative reconstruction with deep neural network regularization for sparse-data CTMedical physics, 2020
- JournalImage-domain multimaterial decomposition for dual-energy CT based on prior information of material imagesMedical physics, 2018